Student Vaccine Exemptions
- If you believe you are eligible for a medical or religious exemption from any of Shenandoah University’s Physical Examination, Immunization and/or Test Requirements, please submit the applicable form as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than August 1.
- If you are applying for a medical exemption, please note that you will need to complete and sign your section of the form (and if you are under 18, a custodial parent or your legal guardian will also need to sign). In addition, your primary care provider will need to complete their section of the form and return the completed form to you. Note that your primary care provider must be a licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.
- If you are applying for a religious exemption, please note that you will need to complete and sign your section of the form (and if you are under 18, a custodial parent or your legal guardian will also need to sign). Additionally, you will need to include the name and contact information for a leader within your religious organization who can confirm your sincerely held religious belief as well as obtain their signature and approval for your submission. You also must have the form notarized.
- Once the exemption form is fully complete, submit your form to SU’s Executive Director of the Wilkins Wellness and Counseling Center at
- Please note any incomplete form (i.e. missing a point of contact, missing a notary, missing a signature, or missing any requested information on the form will result in an decline to process. The individual will be given 48 hours to complete the requested information and resubmit or the application will be declined with instructions on how to appeal the decision.
- Your exemption request will be considered, and a decision made and communicated to you as soon as reasonably practicable.
- If your exemption request is denied, you may appeal the committee’s decision to SU’s Vice President for Student Affairs (“VPSA”). You must provide the VPSA with your notice to appeal within 48 hours of your receipt of the committee’s decision. Notices of appeal can be sent to The VPSA will not consider appeals that are not timely filed.
- With respect to timely appeals, the decision of the VPSA is final.
- SU reserves the right to revise this process in its discretion.